Yesterday was one of those bad days I addressed on a previous post. I think the days I know I'm going to run and burn lots of calories I tend to be a little loose when making food choices. I'm really trying to work on that. I would like to consistently make healthier food choices and not just on the days I'm not running. It's hard but, I have no doubt it can be done! Even my run yesterday was trying. First, I decided that I didn't feel like making the drive to meet my group for our last official training track/speed work. Instead, I decided to run on my own. Funny thing is, part of me was hoping I wouldn't motivate myself to do such luck! I first talked myself into at least walking, then I convinced myself to shoot for a nice easy 3 mile run. Well, by the time I stepped out the door I knew there would be no walking and in the end, I had covered 4.5 miles(running, of course)! Yay me! And you know what? It actually made me feel better. It definitely helped cure me of my Monday blues on a Tuesday.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Monday blues on a Tuesday
Yesterday was one of those bad days I addressed on a previous post. I think the days I know I'm going to run and burn lots of calories I tend to be a little loose when making food choices. I'm really trying to work on that. I would like to consistently make healthier food choices and not just on the days I'm not running. It's hard but, I have no doubt it can be done! Even my run yesterday was trying. First, I decided that I didn't feel like making the drive to meet my group for our last official training track/speed work. Instead, I decided to run on my own. Funny thing is, part of me was hoping I wouldn't motivate myself to do such luck! I first talked myself into at least walking, then I convinced myself to shoot for a nice easy 3 mile run. Well, by the time I stepped out the door I knew there would be no walking and in the end, I had covered 4.5 miles(running, of course)! Yay me! And you know what? It actually made me feel better. It definitely helped cure me of my Monday blues on a Tuesday.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Typical daily menu
Typical 'good' day:
Yogurt 3-4 points(depend on the brand, type)
breakfast bar 3-4 points
coffee with 2tsp of sugar & 2tbsp of cream 4 points
bowl of oatmeal 3-4 points
piece of fruit 0 points
1 ounce of goldfish 3 points or
12 Wheat thins 4 points or
10 Townhouse crackers(sometimes with cheese) 4points/with cheese 6 points
5-6 ounce Salmon 7 points
1-2 cups of broccoli 0 points
1/2 cup of mashed potatoes 3 points
Ice cream 5 points
Typical 'bad' day:
16oz Caramel Macchiato w/ 2% milk 6 points
blueberry bagel w/ butter 11 points
Yogurt 3-4 points
breakfast bar 3-4 points
fruit 0 points
Usually the same as a 'good' day
Most 'bad' days end with me picking up take out and, it almost always includes dessert
Even on days when I don't necessarily make healthy choices, I still try to stay within the points I'm allowed. I also want to point out that on either of these days, good or bad I usually work out which you points to bank or use(I always end up using these on bad days) and 2. keeps you fit and healthy. At the end of the week having had good days as well as bad days there is usually a weight loss. :-)
Yogurt 3-4 points(depend on the brand, type)
breakfast bar 3-4 points
coffee with 2tsp of sugar & 2tbsp of cream 4 points
bowl of oatmeal 3-4 points
piece of fruit 0 points
1 ounce of goldfish 3 points or
12 Wheat thins 4 points or
10 Townhouse crackers(sometimes with cheese) 4points/with cheese 6 points
5-6 ounce Salmon 7 points
1-2 cups of broccoli 0 points
1/2 cup of mashed potatoes 3 points
Ice cream 5 points
Typical 'bad' day:
16oz Caramel Macchiato w/ 2% milk 6 points
blueberry bagel w/ butter 11 points
Yogurt 3-4 points
breakfast bar 3-4 points
fruit 0 points
Usually the same as a 'good' day
Most 'bad' days end with me picking up take out and, it almost always includes dessert
Even on days when I don't necessarily make healthy choices, I still try to stay within the points I'm allowed. I also want to point out that on either of these days, good or bad I usually work out which you points to bank or use(I always end up using these on bad days) and 2. keeps you fit and healthy. At the end of the week having had good days as well as bad days there is usually a weight loss. :-)
Saturday, August 27, 2011
13.72 miles, Philly Rock N Roll, bring it!
8/27/11 + 6:30 a.m +13.72 miles +2 hrs. 47 minutes + 1,822 calories burned = One exhausting morning!!!
Wow! I haven't ran 13 miles since March 21, 2010. Over a year ago! That's when I ran the Shamrock half marathon and, I must admit today's run was no where near as fun as that run, even with two injuries. Maybe it was because there was no crowd cheering you on by name(thanks to it being displayed on your bib), no finish line, no t-shirt, no medal and, no FREE BEER! What gives? Lol! Although I'm battling a little overuse knee injury(way to minimize it Tracey) I'm in far better shape this time around than the last time I ran 13 miles. Back then, I had no idea what I was getting into, having only been running for less than a year. Sometimes ignorance IS bliss.
Today's run was tough! First of all, it was humid as hell. We started promptly at 6:30 this morning, trying to beat hurricane Irene, and five minutes in I was sweating like a pig. The first three miles were rough which, is usually the case with me. I'm pretty consistent and it takes me a full twenty minutes(at least) to warm up and find my groove. By mile 3.45 I was thinking 'am I gonna be able to complete this?'. We're talking roughly 10 more miles to go! I was already getting into my head. I'm my own worse critic and, I'm extremely hard on myself. So, I make these types of challenges far more challenging than they need to be. Well of course, I stuck it out because along with being my own worse critic I'm also stubborn and a fighter and I don't give up easily.
I breathed heavily, sweated, grunted, and yes even walked a little. At one point, I mentioned to one of the ladies in my group that I was only doing 10, she was like oh cool, me too! I was exhausted, my knee was aching a little and I was suffering from 'runners trots'(luckily I made it home, what? tmi?). If you don't know what that is, google it! :-) I was saying those words to her but knowing the whole time I wasn't going to stop til my GPS hit 13. Well it didn't just hit 13 but 13.72. A few of us read the directions in the email wrong and made a double loop when it should have been a single. Oh well, what's another .72 when you've already gone 13?!
On Saturdays as a reward I usually hit Dunkin Donuts after my long run. The caramel iced coffee is to die!! Unfortunately for me, today was not a good day to do that. After burning 1,822 calories which pretty much burned off my breakfast of boiled egg and an English Muffin with 1tbsp of peanut butter PLUS the 'runners trots' I was depleted. Usually that first sip of my iced coffee is heaven, today? Not so much!
Overall I'd say it was an okay run. I'm not one to try to beat the clock. I just want to finish! Here's a quote I absolutely love because it reminds me of what I'm feeling when I'm out there running. 'In running, it doesn't matter whether you come in first, in the middle of the pack, or last. You can say, 'I have finished'. I have this buddy I sometimes run with and she too can be hard on herself. I've said to her a hundred times 'it doesn't matter if you're having a bad run, or need to take walk breaks, you're moving'. I truly believe that.
Can't believe there's only three weeks before my birthday. Now, usually we want the birthdays as far off as possible because, who wants to get older? Lol! But, this time around I want to move it back not only to avoid turning the big 37 but, because I have a half marathon that very same day! Who's idea was it to do that?! Hmmm
The Good:
1. I finished!!!
2. earned 32 Weight Watchers activity points (ca ching, I'm seeing Coldstone cake batter in my future)
The Bad:
1. hot and humid, though nothing's been that way the entire summer of training
2. .72 miles more than we'd plan to do
3. running on empty
The Ugly:
1. chafing, oh my...the burn in the shower(forgot to put on my body glide)!
2. runners trot (sorry but, it's a part of running)
Wow! I haven't ran 13 miles since March 21, 2010. Over a year ago! That's when I ran the Shamrock half marathon and, I must admit today's run was no where near as fun as that run, even with two injuries. Maybe it was because there was no crowd cheering you on by name(thanks to it being displayed on your bib), no finish line, no t-shirt, no medal and, no FREE BEER! What gives? Lol! Although I'm battling a little overuse knee injury(way to minimize it Tracey) I'm in far better shape this time around than the last time I ran 13 miles. Back then, I had no idea what I was getting into, having only been running for less than a year. Sometimes ignorance IS bliss.
Today's run was tough! First of all, it was humid as hell. We started promptly at 6:30 this morning, trying to beat hurricane Irene, and five minutes in I was sweating like a pig. The first three miles were rough which, is usually the case with me. I'm pretty consistent and it takes me a full twenty minutes(at least) to warm up and find my groove. By mile 3.45 I was thinking 'am I gonna be able to complete this?'. We're talking roughly 10 more miles to go! I was already getting into my head. I'm my own worse critic and, I'm extremely hard on myself. So, I make these types of challenges far more challenging than they need to be. Well of course, I stuck it out because along with being my own worse critic I'm also stubborn and a fighter and I don't give up easily.
I breathed heavily, sweated, grunted, and yes even walked a little. At one point, I mentioned to one of the ladies in my group that I was only doing 10, she was like oh cool, me too! I was exhausted, my knee was aching a little and I was suffering from 'runners trots'(luckily I made it home, what? tmi?). If you don't know what that is, google it! :-) I was saying those words to her but knowing the whole time I wasn't going to stop til my GPS hit 13. Well it didn't just hit 13 but 13.72. A few of us read the directions in the email wrong and made a double loop when it should have been a single. Oh well, what's another .72 when you've already gone 13?!
On Saturdays as a reward I usually hit Dunkin Donuts after my long run. The caramel iced coffee is to die!! Unfortunately for me, today was not a good day to do that. After burning 1,822 calories which pretty much burned off my breakfast of boiled egg and an English Muffin with 1tbsp of peanut butter PLUS the 'runners trots' I was depleted. Usually that first sip of my iced coffee is heaven, today? Not so much!
Overall I'd say it was an okay run. I'm not one to try to beat the clock. I just want to finish! Here's a quote I absolutely love because it reminds me of what I'm feeling when I'm out there running. 'In running, it doesn't matter whether you come in first, in the middle of the pack, or last. You can say, 'I have finished'. I have this buddy I sometimes run with and she too can be hard on herself. I've said to her a hundred times 'it doesn't matter if you're having a bad run, or need to take walk breaks, you're moving'. I truly believe that.
Can't believe there's only three weeks before my birthday. Now, usually we want the birthdays as far off as possible because, who wants to get older? Lol! But, this time around I want to move it back not only to avoid turning the big 37 but, because I have a half marathon that very same day! Who's idea was it to do that?! Hmmm
The Good:
1. I finished!!!
2. earned 32 Weight Watchers activity points (ca ching, I'm seeing Coldstone cake batter in my future)
The Bad:
1. hot and humid, though nothing's been that way the entire summer of training
2. .72 miles more than we'd plan to do
3. running on empty
The Ugly:
1. chafing, oh my...the burn in the shower(forgot to put on my body glide)!
2. runners trot (sorry but, it's a part of running)
Thursday, August 25, 2011
And I wonder how I regained 20 lbs.
I love, love love desserts! Did I say love? Well, I do! It is my biggest weakness along with soda, and french fries and well, you get my point. I believe I have an addiction to sugar. If you read my 'about me' you'd know by now I'm also a hypercondriac. Hence my self diagnosed sugar addiction. At any rate, I have this need or desire to eat dessert every night. Good news is on Weight Watchers it can be done. You just have to plan accordingly. Anyway, during the maintenance phase of being on plan I stopped counting my points and then I stopped cooking which, is a huge no no. Cut to yesterday...for weeks leading up to me rejoining WW's I had been picking up take out for dinner which would include dessert. A lot of days my dessert would be this delicious double chocolate chip walnut cookie from Panera Bread now, because I wasn't counting points I had no idea how many points this cookie was costing me and, to be frank didn't care. I'd ran out of ice cream ;-) and knew I needed to pick up a dessert on my way home and thought, oh, I'll stop at Panera. You see, now that I'm back on the plan I HAD to find out the 'point value' of this delicious cookie. Are you ready? A whopping 13 points! Let me put that into perspective for those of you who are not familiar with how Weight Watchers work. I'm allowed 32 points a day based on key things such as weight, age, etc. Yeah, so you see 13 points is a lot for a cookie. You want to know my first thought after finding that out? 'And I wonder how I regained 20lbs'?!
This Saturday I'll be running 13 miles!! Check back to hear all about it!
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Not the actual 13 point cookie monster |
This Saturday I'll be running 13 miles!! Check back to hear all about it!
How, how, how and by the way, how?
How do you keep it off? How do you stay motivated? How do you not give in to the cravings? How do you find the time to exercise? If I had the answer to these questions I would be a wealthy lady!! But, these are questions that I get asked often. I'm no expert and I'm only speaking from MY experience and, clearly I don't have it all figured out either. If I did, there wouldn't be an 'after, after' picture of my weight loss success. At any rate, here's what has helped me and continue to help me throughout my journey.
How do you keep it off? It's really hard keeping the weight off. I learned this the hard way. I remember being in my first Weight Watchers meeting 11 years ago. At that time I was about 211lbs(eventually I got as high as 286). I only wanted to lose about 30lbs. I would sit in meetings with people I thought looked amazing who were there to lose 10 or 15lbs. I would look at them and hard could it be to lose 15lbs?! Well, hard!! For me, I find that trying to lose 20lbs is a lot harder than losing 100lbs. I've discovered the best way to keep the weight off is, to always stay conscious and try not to fall back into your old habits which, is easier said than done. I mentioned before that I lived, breathed, thought Weight Watchers for over 2 years and I know what constitutes a portion. I got really good at eyeballing it. Cut to 3 years later and I conveniently stopped measuring my portions. Why did I think it was perfectly okay to quit measuring my food after reaching my goal weight? Clearly eating without measuring hadn't worked for me the years I carried the extra weight around, so why would I think I could get away with it now? Short answer, I can't. Maintaining a healthy weight can be difficult especially in today's society it's all about big portions. Super size this and biggie that! So, how do I keep the weight off(most of it)? By accounting for every morsel that goes into my mouth. Good or bad!
How do you stay motivated? Diet and exercising can get old fast for a lot of people, myself included. You have to remember why you're doing it. Constantly remind yourself how great you feel compared to how you felt 5, 15, 50 pounds ago. I usually work out a lot! In fact my Honey was constantly telling me 'you work out too much'. Well first off, I'd tell him 'can you imagine what my body would look like if I didn't?'. LOL!! Anyway, only you can say what's too much. I stay motivated by actually enjoying the activities I do so, choose your activities wisely. If you absolutely hate running then don't! Otherwise you won't stick to it. Now, that's not to say I don't get tired or not want to work out some days. In fact, the days I feel the most exhausted or unmotivated are the days I usually feel the best once the workout is over. However, sometimes I just can't motivate myself to go no matter how much I know how great I'll feel afterwards.It happens but, most times I push through that not wanting to go feeling because in the end, I'll be happy for having done it!
How do you not give in to cravings? Those pesky cravings. Sigh! I know, I know. Those chips are just calling your name or in my case Coldstone Creamery(not only does it call my name, it does so with a nice Italian accent, lol). I will confess when it comes to cravings I give in, sort of. Trying to avoid them at all cost can make you miserable. The reason why I love Weight Watchers so much is because, NOTHING is off limits! There are no exclusions. It's all about portion control. It makes it easier to give in to your cravings but within reason. You don't feel deprived. If you currently want to lose weight and you're thinking of going on a diet but, you just love your 'insert weakness here' and feel like you can't give them up? you should definitely check out Weight Watchers. When you feel deprived of something, you'll eventually start to resent the diet you're on and resentment will probably lead to giving up. Basically, the way I deal with cravings is...first ask myself if I really really reaaaaaally want it? Most times, the answer is yes! LOL! If this is the case, I evaluate my points including my activity points and go from there. Sometimes though, the cravings pass. It helps knowing that I'm not on a plan that tells me I can't have it as long as I'm on that plan so, I know I can always have it tomorrow.
How do you find the time to exercise? This one for me is a little easier than most. I know a lot of people have busy lives that includes kids and, that's something I don't have to think about when I want to take a 7:15 p.m spin class. Although having kids should not be an excuse. I work full time and go to school part time so, I'm pretty busy too. If it's important to you, you'll make it work! All it takes is at least 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week. If you have a lunch break, get out and walk for 30 minutes. It's how I started. I remembered being asked when do you have time to eat, if you're out walking? Fortunately for me, I have a little flexibility and don't have to actually eat at my lunch hour besides, it doesn't take a full hour or thirty minutes to eat lunch well, not unless you're consuming a lot of food! Bottom line, if it's important to you, you'll find the 30 minutes to make it happen and exercising actually makes you feel good! Really, it does. :-)
How do you keep it off? It's really hard keeping the weight off. I learned this the hard way. I remember being in my first Weight Watchers meeting 11 years ago. At that time I was about 211lbs(eventually I got as high as 286). I only wanted to lose about 30lbs. I would sit in meetings with people I thought looked amazing who were there to lose 10 or 15lbs. I would look at them and hard could it be to lose 15lbs?! Well, hard!! For me, I find that trying to lose 20lbs is a lot harder than losing 100lbs. I've discovered the best way to keep the weight off is, to always stay conscious and try not to fall back into your old habits which, is easier said than done. I mentioned before that I lived, breathed, thought Weight Watchers for over 2 years and I know what constitutes a portion. I got really good at eyeballing it. Cut to 3 years later and I conveniently stopped measuring my portions. Why did I think it was perfectly okay to quit measuring my food after reaching my goal weight? Clearly eating without measuring hadn't worked for me the years I carried the extra weight around, so why would I think I could get away with it now? Short answer, I can't. Maintaining a healthy weight can be difficult especially in today's society it's all about big portions. Super size this and biggie that! So, how do I keep the weight off(most of it)? By accounting for every morsel that goes into my mouth. Good or bad!
How do you stay motivated? Diet and exercising can get old fast for a lot of people, myself included. You have to remember why you're doing it. Constantly remind yourself how great you feel compared to how you felt 5, 15, 50 pounds ago. I usually work out a lot! In fact my Honey was constantly telling me 'you work out too much'. Well first off, I'd tell him 'can you imagine what my body would look like if I didn't?'. LOL!! Anyway, only you can say what's too much. I stay motivated by actually enjoying the activities I do so, choose your activities wisely. If you absolutely hate running then don't! Otherwise you won't stick to it. Now, that's not to say I don't get tired or not want to work out some days. In fact, the days I feel the most exhausted or unmotivated are the days I usually feel the best once the workout is over. However, sometimes I just can't motivate myself to go no matter how much I know how great I'll feel afterwards.It happens but, most times I push through that not wanting to go feeling because in the end, I'll be happy for having done it!
How do you not give in to cravings? Those pesky cravings. Sigh! I know, I know. Those chips are just calling your name or in my case Coldstone Creamery(not only does it call my name, it does so with a nice Italian accent, lol). I will confess when it comes to cravings I give in, sort of. Trying to avoid them at all cost can make you miserable. The reason why I love Weight Watchers so much is because, NOTHING is off limits! There are no exclusions. It's all about portion control. It makes it easier to give in to your cravings but within reason. You don't feel deprived. If you currently want to lose weight and you're thinking of going on a diet but, you just love your 'insert weakness here' and feel like you can't give them up? you should definitely check out Weight Watchers. When you feel deprived of something, you'll eventually start to resent the diet you're on and resentment will probably lead to giving up. Basically, the way I deal with cravings is...first ask myself if I really really reaaaaaally want it? Most times, the answer is yes! LOL! If this is the case, I evaluate my points including my activity points and go from there. Sometimes though, the cravings pass. It helps knowing that I'm not on a plan that tells me I can't have it as long as I'm on that plan so, I know I can always have it tomorrow.
How do you find the time to exercise? This one for me is a little easier than most. I know a lot of people have busy lives that includes kids and, that's something I don't have to think about when I want to take a 7:15 p.m spin class. Although having kids should not be an excuse. I work full time and go to school part time so, I'm pretty busy too. If it's important to you, you'll make it work! All it takes is at least 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week. If you have a lunch break, get out and walk for 30 minutes. It's how I started. I remembered being asked when do you have time to eat, if you're out walking? Fortunately for me, I have a little flexibility and don't have to actually eat at my lunch hour besides, it doesn't take a full hour or thirty minutes to eat lunch well, not unless you're consuming a lot of food! Bottom line, if it's important to you, you'll find the 30 minutes to make it happen and exercising actually makes you feel good! Really, it does. :-)
Juicy Hamburgers
1 spray(s) cooking spray | |
1 pound(s) uncooked lean ground beef (with 7% fat) | |
1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce | |
2 tsp minced garlic | |
1/2 tsp table salt | |
1/4 tsp black pepper, freshly ground | |
4 item(s) reduced-calorie hamburger roll(s) |
- Coat a large griddle, outdoor grill rack or stovetop grill pan with cooking spray and preheat to medium-high.
- In a large bowl, combine beef, Worcestershire sauce, garlic, salt and pepper; mix well and shape into 4 patties, about 1-inch-thick each. (To retain juiciness, be careful not to overwork the meat.)
- Place burgers on hot griddle or grill and cook 5 minutes per side for medium (or longer to desired degree of doneness).
- Serve burgers on rolls with your favorite toppings. Yields 1 burger per serving.
Yummy! Enjoy!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Could you really notice a 5lb weight loss?
Could you really notice a 5lb weight loss? Why, yes you can!! Here I am at day 6 of me being back on plan and I'm down 5lbs. Surely no one's going to notice that, right? Wrong, wrong and wrong! I showed up at the track last night to meet my running group. The first questioned I was asked was, 'have you lost weight, because you look great?'. Actually, that was the second question. The first question was 'how are your knees?'(this is a running group after all). These troubled knees of mine... oh but, I digress. Back to the 'second' question. How could it be that someone would notice you've lost 5 pounds? And surprise surprise they weren't the only ones to notice. I mentioned it to my boss and what does he say? Yeah, I noticed that too but 'wasn't gonna go there'. Haha!
If people can actually see a difference in your appearance with a 5lb weight loss imagine what carrying around those 5lbs does to you. What does it do to me? Well for one, it makes my knees work harder which causes injuries which, causes me to struggle during my runs. That's just one thing. If you think five pounds is nothing, try picking up a 5lb bag of sugar the next time you're in a grocery store. Carry it around for a few minutes and I'll bet you, you'll put it down long before you reach the checkout counter. Just like you don't want to carry it around in your hand, chances are you probably don't want to carry it around on your back, waist or in my case, thighs. :-)
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5lbs of fat |
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Track/Speed Work
Icing my knees |
It's important to take care of your body. I'm really bad about stretching before and after a run, warming up and resting when I've been ordered to do so by my doctor but, if you're mindful of these things you could more than likely avoid injuries. In other words. Don't do what I do! :-)
"You have to wonder at times what you're doing out there. Over the years, I've given myself a thousand reasons to keep running, but it always comes back to where it started. It comes down to self-satisfaction and a sense of achievement."
- Steve Prefontaine
"In running, it doesn't matter whether you come in first, in the middle of the pack, or last. You can say, 'I have finished.' There is a lot of satisfaction in that."
-Fred Lebow, New York City Marathon co-founder
Monday, August 22, 2011
My 4 Point Dinner
So remember how I said learning to eat while being back on plan would be tough? Well I found myself in a bit of a dilemma tonight. I was down to 5 points. Yes, 5 points!!! What am I going to eat with 5 measly points and better yet, how am I going to include dessert?! First of all, there will be no dessert! Tough luck Missy, maybe next time I'll budget those points a lot better. I'll confess, I sort of went a little crazy with the points this morning but oh will I pay the price for that.
But wait, there is light at the end of the tunnel. I had a delicious fulfilling meal as you can see below. 4 ounces of pan fried boneless skinless chicken breast(4 pts on Weight Watchers plan) and lots and lots of broccoli(0 pts on Weight Watchers plan). As for that dessert? I did get to enjoy dessert after all. Fortunately for me, I worked out and earned enough activity points to have an ice cream sandwich. :-) Working out served two purposes. It keeps me healthy and it allows me to splurge a little on dessert (don't go overboard with the desserts!).
But wait, there is light at the end of the tunnel. I had a delicious fulfilling meal as you can see below. 4 ounces of pan fried boneless skinless chicken breast(4 pts on Weight Watchers plan) and lots and lots of broccoli(0 pts on Weight Watchers plan). As for that dessert? I did get to enjoy dessert after all. Fortunately for me, I worked out and earned enough activity points to have an ice cream sandwich. :-) Working out served two purposes. It keeps me healthy and it allows me to splurge a little on dessert (don't go overboard with the desserts!).
4 point dinner |
Re-adjusting to being back on plan
Trying to readjust my body to eating 'normally' has been slightly challenging. I spent 2 years counting every ounce, tablespoon, cup, etc that went into my mouth down to something as trivial as a Hershey Kisses. I thought in points. At one time, I was so good at counting points that I could guesstimate how many points something was just by looking at it. The minute I became less rigid about measuring, I started to put some of the weight back on. The first day back on plan I found that by 4 p.m. I was starving! How could this be? I was on Weight Watchers for 2 plus years and the one thing I loved to tell people when asked about Weight Watchers was 'I always felt satisfied, never deprived' oh, and I ate dessert every single night but, that's a whole other story. ;-). Now, here I was with half of the day left and very few points. How was I going to eat that carb loaded meal? After all, I was going to be running 8 miles the next day. I realized that I needed to retrain my body. Eat small meals low in fat through out the day. So, it's been officially three days since being back on plan. I say officially because although I had subscribed weeks ago, I didn't start counting my points till a few days ago. It's so much easier when you don't have to measure, count, journal every single thing you put into your mouth. When is losing weight ever easy? Anyway, I know these next few days are going to be tough but I'm going into this with the same attitude I had when it was 100lbs I needed to lose. This is a half marathon, not a 5K!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Orange-Chipotle BBQ Pork Chops with Grilled Onions
Anybody who knows me, knows I love pork chops!! When I'm in cook mode I cook pork chops at least once a week. Here is a great Weight Watchers recipe for pork chops. Enjoy!
We added fresh cilantro, orange juice and zest to bottled barbecue sauce for convenience and terrific flavor. It's especially good drizzled over the onions.
3 spray(s) cooking spray, divided | |
6 Tbsp barbecue sauce, Chipotle flavored | |
2 Tbsp cilantro, fresh, chopped (plus more for garnish if desired) | |
1 tsp orange zest | |
2 Tbsp fresh orange juice | |
1 pound(s) lean pork loin, four 4 oz boneless chops, 3/4-inch-thick each | |
1/2 medium vidalia onion(s), cut into four 1/4-inch-thick rounds |
- Off heat, coat grill rack or a large grill pan with cooking spray; heat grill or set pan over medium heat.
- In a medium bowl, combine barbecue sauce, cilantro and orange zest. Remove 2 tablespoons of sauce to a small bowl and stir in orange juice; set aside. Add chops to medium bowl; toss to coat with sauce.
- Coat onions with cooking spray. Add onions and pork to grill or grill pan. Grill over medium-high heat, turning once or as needed, until onions are lightly charred and tender and pork is just cooked through, about 8 to 10 minutes.
- Transfer pork to serving plates; separate onions into rings and scatter around pork. Drizzle each serving with 1/2 tablespoon of reserved barbecue sauce mixture; sprinkle with extra chopped cilantro. Yields 1 pork chop and 1/4 of onions per serving.
- Never spray cooking spray directly into a heat source, whether a grill or a stove.
Lazy Sundays
I love Sunday's! It's the one day a week where I literally lay in bed all day so, what's not to love? I've heard that you should start the day/week off the way you'd like to finish it. Well, I'd like to finish my week in bed. Unfortunately for me, that's not an option . I tend to work out anywhere from 4 to 6 times a week. I almost never work out on Sunday's. How could I, when I'm in bed? :-) Every now and then I get the urge to set my alarm on a Saturday night in hopes of taking a 8:30 Sunday morning spin class. Let's just say 8 out of 10 of those times, I hit the snooze and I never quite make it to spin.
My long runs are usually on Saturday and by Sunday my legs are asking for a rest. Sometimes I rest them and other times I go out on an easy 3 or 4 mile run. Occasionally if I really feel like I need to get a workout in because I'm stressed, motivated to do so or just because I ate or drank way too much the day before, I go and take a 4 mile brisk walk. Today's one of those 'hit the snooze button but dealing with stress and need to take a walk' kind of Sundays. So, I'm off to take that brisk walk!!
Going for a quick brisk 30 minute walk could make you feel great!
My long runs are usually on Saturday and by Sunday my legs are asking for a rest. Sometimes I rest them and other times I go out on an easy 3 or 4 mile run. Occasionally if I really feel like I need to get a workout in because I'm stressed, motivated to do so or just because I ate or drank way too much the day before, I go and take a 4 mile brisk walk. Today's one of those 'hit the snooze button but dealing with stress and need to take a walk' kind of Sundays. So, I'm off to take that brisk walk!!
Going for a quick brisk 30 minute walk could make you feel great!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
My before, after &, after after
The before picture is me out celebrating my birthday in September of 2007. I was 286lbs, the heaviest I've ever been! The first after is me out celebrating my birthday in September of 2009. I'm at my goal weight here, actually I'm a little under my goal weight. My after after picture, is me running a 10 miler on my birthday in September of 2010. I was already gaining weight, I've since gained more :(. I'm about 20lbs from my original goal weight which, prompted me to rejoin Weight Watchers and get back to being healthier and more fit.
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September 2007 |
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September 2009 |
10 miler September 18, 2010 |
Things that helped me on my journey to better health
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Every 'body's' different (pun intended). Not every one is going to have the same results. With that being said, here's a tip that helped me drop 100bls and keep it off (well, most of it!):
Measure every ounce. Believe it or not, a cup is only 8 ounces and, that's a serving.
If you're a big soda drinker like I've been over the years or you're a big juice, tea, or any drink loaded with sugar. Try to keep it down to 1 cup a day. If that seems too difficult at first, try to get it down to just 2 cups a day. There have been studies that say you could put on up to 15 pounds a year if you drink soda every day.
"The relationship between soft drink consumption and body weight is so strong that researchers calculate that for each additional soda consumed, the risk of obesity increases 1.6 times."
"One extra soft drink a day gave a child a 60 percent greater chance of becoming obese. One could even link specific amounts of soda to specific amounts of weight gain. Each daily drink added .18 points to a child's body mass index (BMI). This, the researchers noted, was regardless of what else they ate or how much they exercised. "Consumption of sugar [high fructose corn syrup]-sweetened drinks," they concluded, "is associated with obesity in children."
Measure every ounce. Believe it or not, a cup is only 8 ounces and, that's a serving.
If you're a big soda drinker like I've been over the years or you're a big juice, tea, or any drink loaded with sugar. Try to keep it down to 1 cup a day. If that seems too difficult at first, try to get it down to just 2 cups a day. There have been studies that say you could put on up to 15 pounds a year if you drink soda every day.
"The relationship between soft drink consumption and body weight is so strong that researchers calculate that for each additional soda consumed, the risk of obesity increases 1.6 times."
"One extra soft drink a day gave a child a 60 percent greater chance of becoming obese. One could even link specific amounts of soda to specific amounts of weight gain. Each daily drink added .18 points to a child's body mass index (BMI). This, the researchers noted, was regardless of what else they ate or how much they exercised. "Consumption of sugar [high fructose corn syrup]-sweetened drinks," they concluded, "is associated with obesity in children."
Officially back on plan(Weight Watchers)
So, I did what I thought I'd never have to do again. Rejoined Weight Watchers. At first it was only a 5 pound weight gain. All my clothes were still fitting and when I looked in the mirror I thought to myself 'hmm I still look pretty good'. Cut to 20 lbs later and, I'm thinking how the hell did I put on 20lbs in just a few short months? Getting to relaxed that's how. Instead of one 12 ounce soda a week I was now drinking a 12 ounce can of soda a day or more. Instead of using my measuring spoons to plate my mashed potatoes, I was just loading them up without being conscious and the butter, whew forget about it or in my case don't!! :-) Putting on the 20lbs is even affecting my running. I've been prone to injuries since I first started running thanks to genetics and the fact that I carried so much weight around for so many years which, weakened my knees. Trying to carry that extra weight while pounding the pavement is a no no! It's so much easier not being conscious but, when is weight loss or, keeping weight off ever easy? Statistics shows that most people who lose 50lb or more of weight gain it all back plus some in the first year. I was thinking at three years out having only gained a 'few' pounds, I was way ahead of the curve. Well this is what leads to regaining the weight. I was in denial. I was reminded that it was that kind of thinking that caused me to gain the 100bls in the first place. So, I did what I thought I'd never have to do again. I rejoined Weight Watchers!
My troubled 8 mile run!

The Good:
1. I did it, even though I didn't want to
The Bad:
1. Hot as hell!
2. Doing a long run on my own
The Ugly:
1. Being so wiped out, I crawled into bed w/out showering
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