Ice Cream, soda, fried chicken, french fries, bacon and Belgium waffles are just a few of the things I
enjoyed this weekend. I know what you're thinking...WTH!?! It all started with having Friday off for Veterans Day. I vegged in bed, watched trash TV, worked endlessly on algebra and ate!! I usually run on Fridays but, the legs felt unusually tired. I first noticed it on Wednesday after my spin class. By Thursday(after yoga) they were done! So, I decided to give them a break and they thanked me. :-) However, being in the house all day doing school work only encouraged my overindulgence. I am an anxious eater. With the stress of trying to 'just barely' pass my algebra class, my stress and anxiety are through the roof! I really need to do better managing my stress and anxiety otherwise, I'm going to be a 300lb runner and, that can not be good for my knees. I'm not completely hopeless. I started today off
right by having a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast and not waffles and bacon and, I'll finish it by having a nice healthy balanced dinner and
NO desserts! I will celebrate the small things!
Lake Artemesia |
What a run, what a run I had today. 1.52 hours, 10 miles, a lot of sweating, bitching, moaning and, complaining. Five minutes into my run, I was over it. The wind was brutal and all I wanted to do was turn around, get back in my car and drive home but, that didn't happen. So, I talked myself in to running a 5K before I could take a break but, 3.1 miles in I kept going. Then, I told myself get to five miles before you take a walk break but, I reached 5 miles and kept right on going. I get to 7 miles and could no longer use psychology to push through (running for me is 90% mental and 10% physical). I took a much needed 2 minute walk break before I was right back at it. At mile 9 a woman and her husband passed me and she asked 'geez are you still going?!'. It was just the boost I needed to get through that last mile which, ended up being my fastest mile. As if my complaining was not enough to annoy me on my run, my fear of 'nature' was at play also. I am a big chicken and there are deer along the trail/course where I run and I'm sorry but, I don't want to end up like
this guy. In the end, what started off as a questionable run turned in to a pretty good run. Last week's long run, I just kept going and going and going and didn't need to use a lot of peep talk or mind trickery to get me there but, '
No two runs are ever the same!'
The Good:
1. Got it done & finished 10 miles with only a two minute walk break
2. Lake Artemesia is a beautiful place to run, one of my favorites
The Bad:
1. Too Windy
2. Side cramps
The Ugly:
1. Runners Trots(sorry but, imagine how I feel?)