It is time to face the music. I have gone to that place I said (20+ times) I would never go again. The dreaded 200. In fact, it's the dreaded 200.2. What the heck?! You know what? I can't even fain surprise. I saw this coming 3 pounds ago. I can be an unconscious eater which is why it's very important that I journal. I know this like I know the back of my hand. I still don't understand why it's so hard for me to get back on track? All the stresses in my life aren't helping but, that's NO excuse. Today, I'm on a mission (seriously, now I'm on a mission?) to get back under 200. I know for myself and a lot of people hitting 200 is the kiss of death. It's like I don't care if the scale reads 199.8 it's better than 200! What is it about the 200 pound mark? I know I've been saying for weeks now that I would start journaling again but, today I mean it! Nothing like seeing 200.2 on the scale to make you
mean it. I started the day off great by skipping the bagel and cream cheese and I ended the day by weighing, measuring
and journaling! One day down, 6 more to go! I will celebrate the little things.
AIDS 5K Walk/Run (notice how I'm the only one smilling? lol) |
No long run for me this past weekend. Surprisingly I haven't ran since last Tuesday. 6 days of no running is like a lifetime! But, I had an excuse, I volunteered at the Washington, DC AIDS run/walk. What a dreary rainy day it was. I would have ran it in honor of a very special person but, I had maxed out my allowed race registration fee for the month(I need a part-time job just to keep up with all my races). Instead, I thought I'd volunteer. The weather was awful! Rain, cold and sleet! Wow! I was up at the crack of dawn (which is a miracle if you know me). I was so drained by the time I made it back to my bed. I stayed in bed the rest of the day which was a huge mistake. I had tons of homework that was left for Sunday hence, me missing out of my long run. I just could not find the time to run my planned 8 miles. Luckily I got out today for a nice cool fall 5.5 mile run.
Well Tracey the good thing is you caught it early and you are back on track and motivated! And you didn't use my trick of "I'll just start tomorrow" you just went and did it. You're probably back under 200 already. : )