Monday, October 17, 2011

Getting faster, not smaller

I'm getting faster! So, yesterday was my long run and by long, these days we're talking 8+ miles. Last weekend I covered 9.25 miles, this weekend I decided to stick to 8. Overall it was a pretty good run. Because I do nothing early and, I'm a perpetual procrastinator I didn't start my run till 2:40 pm(to be exact). Luckily for me, it wasn't as warm as last week. It did get a a little heated in certain spots along the course but overall not too bad. The bugs were on the attack yesterday. As usual I was a hot sweaty mess and the bugs were loving it or me? I actually ran 6 minutes faster than my last few 8 mile runs (1hr. 32 min.). Getting faster, yay!!! Even my shorter runs are getting faster. My Friday run was 5 miles ran at my 5k pace....not bad! My 1hr 32 running did include some walking. I ran the first 5 miles straight, mile 6 I was checking my voicemail (9 messages...I really should check my vm more often) then, miles 7 and 8 I sailed through. I'm noticing a trend in my runs. Mile 2 is always my fastest mile.  Physically I'm doing well aside from the plantar fasciitis. No knee pain, no IT band pain just this God awful heel pain. I'm seeing the orthopedist this afternoon and I'm praying he doesn't say I have to rest for a few weeks. My runs have been going so well lately, I'd hate to have a set-back. I'd like to be in the best shape possible for the Surf n Santa 10 miler that's only 47 days away. Depending on what the doctor says this afternoon, I'm shooting for 9 miles next weekend. My race time for the Surf n Santa last year was 1 hour 57 minutes. I'd like to shave 7 minutes off that time. Wishful thinking? Perhaps!

The Good:
1. Got it done!

The Bad:
1. The bugs were loving my sweaty face

The Ugly:
1. Did I mention the bugs? :-)

I'm not getting smaller and, I'm okay with that (for now). I haven't been doing too much to drop the weight so I'm certainly not surprised I haven't dropped any. I'm just thrilled I've been able to maintain my 10lb weight loss. As for the last 10? Well, I feel indifferent about them. I'm happy I'm under 200 and STAYING that way!! I did promise myself I'd journal this week. I've been doing this long enough now to know that is key if I want to drop the weight. I've been so stressed and so busy and well that's no excuse but, it's why I haven't been as diligent as I could be. Guess right now I'm  just thrilled I don't look like I weigh what I weigh ( total sarcasm). I'm going to try and do better! On the bright side I didn't buy a 490 calorie muffin with coffee this morning. Small things, small things! :-)

Tri Update: I think I'm going to postpone training for my tri. Life is just too stressful right now! Between work, school and all my other work-outs. There isn't enough hours in the day. But, who knows...I just may change my mind week?


  1. I really need to start going out with you...Motivation is what I need lol. I've tried convincing myself but once the time comes i become you (procrastinate). I guess I should start with step one which is eating rite.

  2. You should come! I've talked aunt Tonyia and Keata into doing a 5k in VA Beach. I'm going to run the 10 miler and they're doing the shorter race.

    PS...aunt Tonyia isn't too thrilled! LOL
