Thursday, October 27, 2011

So little yet, so hard!

What will it take to get me back on track? Back to counting my points, measuring my foods, consuming one 12 ounce coca cola a week (and not a day)?  I said a few days ago that I was 'okay for now' well, I'm not. It's just easier being okay for now, than it is to get it together and refocus. You would think it wouldn't be so hard for a person who has lost over 100 pounds to lose 20 10 lbs. Oh, but it is! If you have any suggestions please share! I've turned into one of those people I envied when I was 100lbs overweight. The ones who complained about the 10, 15, 20 pounds they needed to get rid of. I use to's 15lbs, it's not that hard! When I first started this journey it seemed effortless. I was very consistent. For roughly a year and a half, I would lose up to 2lbs or more a week. Of course, there were the few weeks I wouldn't lose or the weeks, I'd gain a pound or two but, for the most part I consistently dropped weight. What happened?! I will cut myself some slack, I haven't been totally out of control just not in control? I am not eating bags of cookies but, I am eating one really high calorie, high fat cookie a day.  I think for me, it all boils down to accountability. When I account for what I'm consuming I'm more aware of the amount of food that goes into my mouth. I was talking to a friend at the gym yesterday and the subject of 'bad foods' came up. I asked her, what did she consider bad food? She paused for a while. Exactly! Ultimately she came up with Chipotle but, even that isn't so bad if it's eaten in moderation. If it's one thing I've learned on Weight Watchers it's all foods can be good food (except fried butter, lol) it's the portion size that can be bad. I know it's okay to have the cookie hell, it's even okay to have the fried butter(once in a lifetime!) but, I have to be very conscious of how much I'm consuming. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Wait, I take the fried butter comment can never be good consuming fried butter. LOL! Where was I? I've said it before and I'll say it again. Battling my weight will always be a problem but, it doesn't have to be one I can't get a hold of! I know the real problem is my awful ability to 1. procrastinate and 2. avoid.

Every day I say I'm going to start tracking my points but, don't. Let's hope today is the day that, that all changes. Wish me luck!


  1. Hey Tracey! I've been trying to comment for weeks now but it keeps eating my comments everytime. So I'm trying yet again. : )

    Just wanted to say you are doing great keeping it together with all the stress too. I am having a similar problem but I do see an end in sight and hopefully I will get it together then. Just remember that when it all settles down you just have those ten pounds to focus on and you'll be able to give it your all! Just hang in there girl and keep us updated.

  2. Oh my goodness it worked!!!!

    Well, just so you know previously I had said, sorry you got sick and hope you feel better and great job on the race and you are doing awesome. : )

  3. Thanks Tracy! It's been a tough past few weeks. It's like after my half, I lost the motivation to carry on with my weight loss. Ugh! It's such a roller-coaster ride and, sense I never liked roller coasters it hasn't been any fun for me. Lol! Up, down, up...

    Glad to hear you're maintaining!! Keep up the great work! :-)
