What is it with me and 8 mile runs? We ran three 8 milers this summer, training for our half and all three were tough for me. The first one back in July was an extremely hot and humid day. It was the first time I had ran 8 miles since April when I ran the Cherry Blossom 10 miler and yes, your body can forget how tough it is to run 8 miles after three short months. Our second 8 miler was just a few weeks ago and I shared that lovely story with you guys on my first official blog. Again, it was hot and humid but, running at 12 noon didn't help any. Saturday's 8 miler was bad and, not in terms of running but because I had eaten a bad egg. Uh huh, I know what you're thinking....a bad egg? I was pretty sick to my stomach by mile 4. I was running along with a pretty good pace. My breathing was great and I wasn't feeling like I couldn't run the entire 8 miles. Well mile 4 changed all of that. One second I was running along and the next I was bent over head in the bushes, getting sick. I'm a procrastinator and never ever do things on time. I'm also a big avoider. Great traits to have, right? Wrong! These traits caused me to not check my stock to make sure I was prepared for breakfast because I didn't want to make the trip to the grocery store. Anyway I woke up late (as usual) boiled my egg and, when it was done I take a bite and I'm going hmmm this doesn't taste right. So naturally I check the expiration on the egg carton and sure enough....expired eggs! Too late, I had eaten most of it. That little mistake cost me. And, if eating the bad egg wasn't bad enough, I followed that up with a big spoonful of peanut butter. Hey! I was running late and had
very little to choose from in terms of eating before a 7 a.m 8 mile run. After my little 'pit stop'. I got myself together and finished strong. So, my troubled 8 mile run wasn't so troubled after all!
The Good
1. I finished!
The Bad
2. It was our last long run as a training group :(
The Ugly
1. getting sick during (and after the run) from eating a bad egg
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