Thursday, September 1, 2011


It's week two and I haven't lost one single pound this week, in fact, the scale has gone up. Clearly at week two I couldn't possibly have hit a plateau could I? No, of course not! So what gives? I've looked over my food journal to see if I had veered a bit off course. Nope! I stayed within my points range and, earned a whopping 85 activity points. You read it right, 85 activity points. On average Weight Watchers recommend you try and earn around 28 activity points per week. Can we say I surpassed that and then some? Typically I don't earn so many activity points but, I am training for a half marathon and with increased miles comes increased activity points. On average I typically earn around 50 activity points per week(still a lot). So, how could I stay within my allowed points, earn a huge amount of activity points and not lose a pound? Better yet, how could I have gained a pound?!

I will be the first to admit that I do not always make the healthiest choices. I am not in denial. If I drink a soda, not only will I own up to drinking said soda but, I'll gladly write it down in my food journal. If I have an ice cream sandwich, it too goes in my food journal. It's all about accountability. I'm not going to say, I've been really good, how come I haven't lost anything? How will that help me? I would only be lying to myself. However, looking over this past week, I was indeed making pretty good food choices though, they could've been better(there's always room for improvement). I even decided against that little visit to Coldstone Creamery after my 13.72 mile run, after burning 1,822. How will this week affect me going forward? It won't, at least not negatively. It's all a part of the weight loss process. You have weeks when you're really good and ...lose nothing. You have weeks when you're really bad and....lose a pound, sometimes more. You have weeks when the scale doesn't move at all no matter what you've done! It really is a part of the process. I'm hoping that this weeks weight loss will show on the scale next week. That does happen. It's like a 'delayed' reaction. So, at this point 'claiming' a plateau is a pretty big stretch. Nice try though. :-) So what is my strategy for next week? More strength training. It's a must. You really need to focus on cardio as well as strength training and I've really been lacking with the latter. Bottom line, I'm carrying around 4lbs less than I was two weeks ago. Now, that's a cause for celebration!!

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