I have decided to train for a triathlon! I'm so excited! Well that is, until I realized 1. I can't swim(actually, I can but only a little) and 2. I don't have a bike. Lol! Small obstacles, I'm sure I'll be able to overcome. Last year around this time I was gearing up to run a 10 mile trail run for my 36th birthday(UNTRAINED). After that race, that very same day, I registered to run a half marathon for my 37th birthday(which is this Sunday). Now, here I am, registering for a triathlon for my 38th birthday. What will I do for my 40th? Bungee Jump? I don't think so! Hey, that's what birthdays are for, right? Nothing says happy birthday like some endurance sport to remind you that, you're a year older. Can you believe I already have a race in mind? Yeah, neither can I! So, what's my plan going forward with this swim, bike, run? For starters I just paid to take swimming lessons and, I'll keep up with my spin class(es) while I look into buying/renting a bike.. The run...oh, not a problem! o_O. Remind me I said that after Sunday's race.
I honestly think this will be good for me. It gives my knees some much needed rest and it pushes me to get out of my comfort zone. I'm sure during my training there will be many blogs titled...
what the hell was I thinking?! I hope you guys will tag along on this crazy, unpredictable, spontaneous journey with me.
Good luck, you're a brave woman! LOL