Monday, September 19, 2011

Post Race

I'm feeling pretty well today. The first time(and last time)I ran a official half marathon I felt like I had been run over by a bus the next day. I'm talking, walking backwards up and down stairs. I knew that wouldn't be the case this time around because, I always felt pretty good after our long runs during training. Although, there was this one run where I had the worse quad pain ever! Overall, my recovery has been great. I don't even have any knee pain! Thank God for small favors. I feel even better after having a massage earlier today. The post race massage is always nice. I used to think I ran for the medal now, I think I run for the post race massage. :-) I think I may be done with long runs(for now). Every time I make that statement to my Mom she goes....'until the next one, right?'. Lol! I'm not saying I'll never do a 10 miler or half again but, I think I'm going to stick to 10K's for the time being. I really want to give my knees a break and figure out why the hell my feet go numb EVERY TIME I run more than 9 miles?! Now, I think it's time to focus on learning to swim. If I'm going to do a triathlon this is going to be key.

Update on my timing, this is from the Philly Rock n Roll official website. A lot of people where wondering why their GPS had them at 13.33, 13.5 and the one I had and read a lot of people commenting on 13.40?
What if my Garmin is slightly more than the official race distance?
On race day, if the distance shown on your Forerunner is slightly more than the official race distance, it just means you weren’t cutting corners—quite literally. According to the IAAF (International Association of Athletics Federation) course measurement guidelines (pg. 20), a road race course is defined by the shortest possible route a runner could take without being disqualified. For most races, a certified measurer rides the course on a bike, staying near the curb and taking every available tangent. This ensures that all runners will run at least the declared race distance. After the race, if Forerunner shows that you ran a little farther, this just accounts for extra steps you took to run around others participants, hit a water stop or stay to the middle or outside lane.

Staying on point when you're away and fueling your body for a long run staying on plan/point can be difficult. I did not journal one single thing! I did try to be really good and make decent food choices. So far, the scale has me a little under what I weighed before I took off to Philly for the weekend. I'm so excited to be getting closer to my goal weight. I can see the difference, I can feel the difference and I'm really happy! Could this be why my run was better, why I didn't have any knee pain? Perhaps!  I'm down a total of 9 pounds!! I don't usually like to put a time limit on when I want the weight off but, I think it's safe to say by December I'll be back in my skinny jeans! I'm pretty sure if I keep up the work and stick to my Weight Watchers points, I could lose 11 pounds in two months. Of course, I'm being conservative. I'm giving myself a little wiggle room since my mom made me not one, but TWO sweet potato birthday pies!! I'm thinking that'll set me back a pound or two or three? o_O

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