Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Could you really notice a 5lb weight loss?

Could you really notice a 5lb weight loss? Why, yes you can!! Here I am at day 6 of me being back on plan and I'm down 5lbs. Surely no one's going to notice that, right? Wrong, wrong and wrong! I showed up at the track last night to meet my running group. The first questioned I was asked was, 'have you lost weight, because you look great?'. Actually, that was the second question. The first question was 'how are your knees?'(this is a running group after all). These troubled knees of mine... oh but, I digress. Back to the 'second' question. How could it be that someone would notice you've lost 5 pounds? And surprise surprise they weren't the only ones to notice. I mentioned it to my boss and what does he say? Yeah, I noticed that too but 'wasn't gonna go there'. Haha!

5lbs of fat
If people can actually see a difference in your appearance with a 5lb weight loss imagine what carrying around those 5lbs does to you. What does it do to me? Well for one, it makes my knees work harder which causes injuries which, causes me to struggle during my runs. That's just one thing. If you think five pounds is nothing, try picking up a 5lb bag of sugar the next time you're in a grocery store. Carry it around for a few minutes and I'll bet you, you'll put it down long before you reach the checkout counter. Just like you don't want to carry it around in your hand, chances are you probably don't want to carry it around on your back, waist or in my case, thighs. :-)


  1. That fat is making me itch.. where did it come from? Please tell me you did not save from your weight loss...

  2. Lol! Only you Keata, only you!
