Monday, August 22, 2011

Re-adjusting to being back on plan

Trying to readjust my body to eating 'normally' has been slightly challenging. I spent 2 years counting every ounce, tablespoon, cup, etc that went into my mouth down to something as trivial as a Hershey Kisses. I thought in points. At one time, I was so good at counting points that I could guesstimate how many points something was just by looking at it. The minute I became less rigid about measuring, I started to put some of the weight back on. The first day back on plan I found that by 4 p.m. I was starving! How could this be? I was on Weight Watchers for 2 plus years and the one thing I loved to tell people when asked about Weight Watchers was 'I always felt satisfied, never deprived' oh, and I ate dessert every single night but, that's a whole other story. ;-). Now, here I was with half of the day left and very few points. How was I going to eat that carb loaded meal? After all, I was going to be running 8 miles the next day. I realized that I needed to retrain my body. Eat small meals low in fat through out the day. So, it's been officially  three days since being back on plan. I say officially because although I had subscribed weeks ago, I didn't start counting my points till a few days ago. It's so much easier when you don't have to measure, count, journal every single thing you put into your mouth. When is losing weight ever easy? Anyway, I know these next few days are going to be tough but I'm going into this with the same attitude I had when it was 100lbs I needed to lose. This is a half marathon, not a 5K!

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